Cambridge Maths Academy

3. A question on trigonometry (Eton College 01C_MT1 Q15) 본문

수학 모음 (Maths collection)/Technical B - Problem solving

3. A question on trigonometry (Eton College 01C_MT1 Q15)

Cambridge Maths Academy 2020. 12. 9. 03:05

수학 모음 (Maths collection) 전체보기


This question comes from a test paper for A-level maths for Michaelmas Term at Eton College.

Q15. (a) Express cos(2θ)+sin(2θ) in the form Rsin(2θ+α) where R>0 and 0<α<π2. [3 marks]

(b) Hence show that 122cosθ(cosθ+sinθ)1+22 for all real θ. [3 marks]


Solution. (a) This is to find the harmonic identity. cos(2θ)+sin(2θ)=Rsin(2θ+α)=R(sin2θcosα+cos2θsinα)=(Rsinα)cos2θ+(Rcosα)sin2θ Equating the cofficients yields the following simultaneous equations for R and α, {Rsinα=1Rcosα=1 which yields (i)R2(sin2α+cos2α)=1=R2=2R=2(ii)RsinαRcosα=tanα=1α=tan1(1)=π4 Thus we obtain cos(2θ)+sin(2θ)=2sin(2θ+π4)


(b) Using the double angle formulae, we can re-write the LHS of (a) as follows. cos(2θ)+sin(2θ)=(2cos2θ1)+2sinθcosθ=2cosθ(cosθ+sinθ)1 So the result of (a) now reads 2cosθ(cosθ+sinθ)1=2sin(2θ+π4) For the RHS, we also note that 1sin(2θ+π4)122sin(2θ+π4)2 and find 22cosθ(cosθ+sinθ)12122cosθ(cosθ+sinθ)1+2122cosθ(cosθ+sinθ)1+22
